May 9, 2011


It was one of those Chilliwack days, showers, clouds wind...and chill in the air. We were hesitant as to where to do the shoot, indoors or outdoors(keeping the garments dry).
At the last minute I said let's just chance it, and Sara was very glad we did. We headed up to Cultas Lake as the weather was ever changing but at the time of our shoot it was just perfect! Here are a few shots from her mini spring line and you can click on the designer to view her new website,

I'll be holding an open house on May 20 for anyone to come and meet the designer, Sara.
It will launch her line as well as her beautiful artwork. If you'd like to pop in to shoot me a message.

Hair and Makeup c/o: Sara Adams Carey
Models: Sara Kim Terrero and Bethany Adams

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you posted this:) Thank you for your time and wonderful images! I can't wait until the Fall Jacket collection.
